Digital Portfolio

Creating Human-Centred XR Experiences

Programming – User Experience Design – Design Thinking

Latest Project: Ornithophobia VR (2020)

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What people I’ve worked with say about me…



ARchimedes has evolved enormously during their time in the “Creative Pre-Incubator”. It was great fun to support such an ambitious and motivated team. We wish the team all the best for their innovative project!

Ursula Steiner, BA
Project Lead CPI
Collaboration in:

©Johannes Lanzinger

[...] Ornithophobia VR was a complete success and we have already been able to take away the fear of birds from many patients. Huang understood it in an extraordinary way to understand and implement the wishes of the customer. I can warmly recommend Huang both professionally and personally.

Johannes Lanzinger, M.Sc at Phobius
Clinical and health psychologist
Collaboration in:

©Alisa Feldhofer

Huang Chen is characterised by her professional and clear communication. She always keeps an overview of all areas of responsibility in a project, which makes a significant contribution to successful implementation.

Alisa Feldhofer, BSc
Co-Founder ARchimedes
Collaborated in:

©FH St.Pölten

Huang took over the technical and conceptual development of the VR app for McCube. Especially her creativity in implementing the interactivity and her motivation to use innovative technologies (Leap Motion) contributed significantly to the success of the project.

Dipl.-Ing. Jandl Christian, BSc
Junior Researcher - Project Lead McCubeVR
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